Tanggal 19 Juni ini Aretha tepat sudah 15 bulan, Perkembangannya begitu menakjubkan dari hari ke hari. Dan memang sesuai dengan milestone anak-anak seumurnya. Menurut baby centre perkembangan bayi 15 bulan tuh seperti ini
New This Month : Speaking Volumes
By 15 months, the majority (about 75 percent) of children have a vocabulary that consists of "Mama" and "Dada" plus at least three others word, usually nouns, such as "cookie", "Ball", and "dog," "more", "and of course the all- time toddler favorite, "No!" are also common early words. A typical 15 -month old can also follow simple commands, such as" Bring Me your shoes" or Put the book down." She also understands the meaning of phrases such as "No", come here," Show me and "Look"
Nah Aretha udah bisa tuh kaya gitu, dan sekarang malah lucu, dia bisa bilang "No" untuk dirinya sendiri sambil goyang2 in jarinya niru tingkah laku kita, padahal itu cuma buat ngeledek mominya atau sus nya.
Misalnya nih dia mau masukin barang ke mulutnya
Momi : " Aretha!!!"
Aretha : " No...no..no
hahaha jadi sebelum kita bilang apa yang kita mau larang dia sebenernya udah tahu...hihihi lucu yah
Vocabulary yang Aretha udah bisa sampai saat ini : Momy, Daddy, habis, atuh (jatuh), Dua, udah, bo a ( bola), doggy..itu sih yang sudah mulai jelas.
Lumayan deh, mungkin dia ga sehebat anak lain yang udah bisa nyanyi burung kakak tua dengan lengkap, tapi melihat perkembangannya sudah sesuai milestone pada umumnya dan juga dia sehat sempurna juga udah cukup.
Seneng deh lihat tulisan di baby centre ini, lengkap banget dan juga mendekati kenyataan sesungguhnya juga kasih saran-saran.
What You Can Do
One of the best ways you can encourage your chatterbox to keep on talking is to listen. Even if you don't understand all what she's saying or asking, make eye contact when she's trying to communicate with you, and acknowledge or respond to her comments and questions whenever possible, which will motivate her to keep on trying
If your child is taking her time learning to talk, spend a lot of time together reading. Even looking at pitcure books, and pointing out familiar objects will help her store the information for future use. Try to avoid using baby talk, since it can be confusing. If your little one says" Googy" rather than "Doggy",simply say "Yes" thats a doggy" rather than repeating her vision of the word
Up until now your child may have had difficulty sitting still to look at books, unless it was just before bedtime. But starting at about 15 months, children become interested in looking at picture books, either with mom or dad alone. You may see your toddler pat the pictures in books, and books with different textures.
Makanya sekarang mom lagi giat2nya nih kasih buku buat Aretha, ngalor ngidul ceritain buat dia walaupun ga tahu dia ngerti atau enggak, tapi sepertinya ngerti sih, dia bisa nunjuk gambar anjing di buku ceritanya. Kadang sok pengen baca sendiri walaupun sebenernya bukunya kebalik hehehe, tapi yang penting sudah ada kemajuan, sudah mau konsen sedikit untuk megang2 bukunya.
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